Pho Tau Bay - A unique brand of Pho in Saigon
Pho is considered as the culinary characteristic of Vietnam. In Saigon, Pho is very popular with diners. Apart from Pho in general and Pho Tau Bay in particular
Things that make vietnam special
things that make vietnam special, that is a country full of history, culture, amazing food, and some of the friendliest people
9 dishes for breakfast highly recommended by Vietnamese
Culture Trip lists delicious and popular breakfast dishes that foreigners should try when traveling to Vietnam.
The Rich History of Phở: Vietnam’s Iconic Noodle Soup from Nam Dinh to Hanoi
Discover the fascinating journey of phở, Vietnam’s most famous noodle soup, from its origins in Nam Dinh to its cultural evolution in Hanoi. Learn about the regional variations and the historical influences that shaped this iconic dish.